
赛瑞专业高级门厅除尘地垫的企业,引进了欧美 的产品工程销售为主。
赛瑞经过多年来的努力耕耘与发展,积累了相当丰富的专业技术及经验,具有完善的检测、施工及售后服务,赛瑞铝合金除尘地垫各项性能参数均通过国际权威机构检测认证,产品质量居 水平。优质的产品质量和高效的服务为我们赢得了广阔的市场,质量是每位赛瑞人的中心思想,赛瑞地垫产品行销全国各地,服务客户众多为 企业,在市场上享有较高的声誉,赛瑞系列的产品已成为国内 有竞影响力的企业之一,是广大国内外设计师对于门厅除尘系统的 产品。
Seric Decorating Material Co., Ltd. is an enterprise specially manufacturing senior vestibule dust-removing doormats, which has introduced the latest scientific research technologies from Europe and America, and given priority to development, manufacturing, and engineering distribution.
Seric has cooperated with LOMBOK GEL and SERIC door mat companies from Europe and America. Europe and the United States the Company introduced the latest production technology and equipment, after years of hard work and development, has accumulated a considerable wealth of expertise and experience, with sound detection, construction and after-sales service, Each performance parameter of the aluminum alloy dust-removing door mats manufactured by Seric has passed the testing and certification of international authoritative organs. Quality Home Products the leading domestic level. Quality of product quality and efficient services to us to win a broad market mats,With quality as the central idea of each Seric person, Sairui product marketing across the country, services for the well-known large enterprise customers in the market enjoy a relatively high reputation,Seric has become one of the most competitive manufacturers, and its products are the first choice of plentiful domestic and overseas designers for vestibule dust-removing system.
Seric Doormat will return each customer paying attention to Seric Company with excellent technologies, satisfying services, innovative concept, and practical attitude.
主营产品: 地垫/铝合金地垫/门厅入口地垫/除尘垫/铝合金除尘垫/门厅除尘垫/除尘地垫/铝合金除尘地垫/门厅除尘地垫/防尘垫/铝合金防尘垫/门厅防尘垫/地毡/铝合金地毡/门厅地毡/除尘地毯/铝合金除尘地毯/门厅除尘地毯/除泥垫/铝合金除泥垫/门厅除泥垫/刮泥垫/铝合金刮泥垫/门厅刮泥垫/除泥地垫/刮泥地垫/镶嵌入式地垫/蹭脚地垫/铝合金除泥地垫/吸水地垫/铝镁合金地架/井位地垫/比利时地垫/进口地垫/安全地垫/防滑地垫/橡胶地垫/宾馆入口地垫/酒店入口地垫/大堂入口地垫/旋转门入口地垫/自动门入口地垫/汽车展厅入口地垫/写字楼入口地垫/商务楼地垫/会所入口地垫/银行入口地垫/医院入口地垫/商场入口地垫/机场入口地垫/办公楼入口地垫/高尔夫球场地垫/吸水地垫/防污地垫/门厅入口除尘系统/大堂入口地垫
Seric Doormat will return each customer paying attention to Seric Company with excellent technologies, satisfying services, innovative concept, and practical attitude.
主营产品: 地垫/铝合金地垫/门厅入口地垫/除尘垫/铝合金除尘垫/门厅除尘垫/除尘地垫/铝合金除尘地垫/门厅除尘地垫/防尘垫/铝合金防尘垫/门厅防尘垫/地毡/铝合金地毡/门厅地毡/除尘地毯/铝合金除尘地毯/门厅除尘地毯/除泥垫/铝合金除泥垫/门厅除泥垫/刮泥垫/铝合金刮泥垫/门厅刮泥垫/除泥地垫/刮泥地垫/镶嵌入式地垫/蹭脚地垫/铝合金除泥地垫/吸水地垫/铝镁合金地架/井位地垫/比利时地垫/进口地垫/安全地垫/防滑地垫/橡胶地垫/宾馆入口地垫/酒店入口地垫/大堂入口地垫/旋转门入口地垫/自动门入口地垫/汽车展厅入口地垫/写字楼入口地垫/商务楼地垫/会所入口地垫/银行入口地垫/医院入口地垫/商场入口地垫/机场入口地垫/办公楼入口地垫/高尔夫球场地垫/吸水地垫/防污地垫/门厅入口除尘系统/大堂入口地垫